Princess Machine

If 3 Little Girls Did This To My House, I’d Do Everything I Could To Get Them Full Rides To Harvard

Course offerings this semester at UPRM: Farm Irrigation and Agroclimatology (TMAG)

I will be offering the following two courses this semester at UPR-Mayaguez. Please click the following links for the course fliers.

TMAG 5017 Agroclimatology

TMAG 4019 Farm Drainage and Irrigation Systems

Please feel free to contact me if you would like additional information about either course.

Eric Harmsen, Professor
University of Puerto Rico
Dept. of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00681
phone: 787-955-5102
websites: ,


Enviromentally-friendly, landscape fabric, reusable mulching system

Environmentally-Friendly, landscape fabric, reusable mulching system

Excellent technology! Hats off to House in the Woods Farm for their re-usable mulch layer. I use the same machine in my Drip Irrigation laboratory. I would love to be able to replace the plastic with the landscape fabric.

“…..a water-permeable, air-permeable reusable weed-barrier that is laid out in 15 minutes by a tractor. The mulch machine layer makes a raised bed, lays out the drip tape, lays out the reusable cloth, tucks the edges under soil and makes your dinner, all in one or two passes of the tractor.” Read more…